GRFX Image Format Tool
The utility below allows you to have a custom image of your choosing display on your Grafix system at startup. Because the Grafix system does not recognize standard image formats, your custom image needs to be converted to a compatible format and sizes. This can be done below using the following steps.
Note: Your images are not uploaded to our server but are processed locally in your web browser by the below utility. The formatted image files are then stored locally when you click download.
1) Select your image
- Click the "Choose File" button on the form.
- You will be prompted to load an image from your files.
- The utility recognizes most images with the format of PNG, JPG, or BMP
2) Preview Loaded Image
- After selecting an image, it will be displayed in your browser below the form.
- If your chosen image is large, it may extend beyond the screen. The image processing will still work even if you are not able to see the entire image.
3) Preview Formatted Images
- The utility creates multiple formatted images for the possible image sizes used in various Grafix systems. Click “Preview Images” to view what each of these converted images will look like.
4) Make Adjustments
- If the image does not fit as expected, you can try different scaling options in the form and preview again. In some cases, you may need to use an image editing program to create a cropped copy of your image in order to best fit the desired area.
5) Format Images
- Click “Download Formatted Images” to begin the image conversion. Once the conversion is finished, your browser will save the result in your “downloads” folder or you may be prompted for a location to store the formatted images.
6) Unzip And Store Files to a Flash Drive
- The utility generates a ZIP file containing all the properly formatted image files for all Grafix systems. In order to get these images onto your Grafix system you must unzip the files onto a flash drive.
- Note: The individual files need to be stored on the root (they should not be in any folders) of the flash drive. The Grafix system does not search folders of the flash drive for files.
7) Load Onto Grafix System
- Follow your system manual for steps to upload custom images from a flash drive.
Having problems using the embedded utility below? You can try using it as a single web page instead by clicking HERE.