The RTX series is the latest from Dakota Digital, focused on retaining that stock look without sacrificing the late-model features you love. Every effort has been put forth to incorporate OEM design elements regarding the layout, face styling and indicators. A casual glance may dismiss these as original equipment, but once you hit the switch and the LED backlighting comes on in your favorite color scheme, all doubts will be removed.
When opening the vehicle's door, the vintage-looking rolling odometer provides a stock appearance.Turning on the ignition, the TFT message center can be fully configured to display just about any piece of information needed, from the complementary home screen to the user-configurable data screens!
Starting from scratch, CNC machined housings are filled with electronics designed and built in-house, helping Dakota Digital once again raise the bar for aftermarket instrumentation. Bluetooth integration, GPS technology and RGB backlighting with a full color TFT screen provide the technology that you want.
The RTX Series offers the timeless look of yesterday, with the features and functionality of today!
1955- 59 GMC Pickup RTX Instruments RTX-55-GMC-X |
1971- 80 International Scout II RTX Instruments RTX-71i-SCT-X |
1980- 86 Ford Pickup and Bronco RTX Instruments RTX-80F-PU-X |
1982- 89 Camaro RTX Instruments RTX-82C-CAM-X |
1987- 91 Ford Pickup and Bronco RTX Instruments RTX-87F-PU-X |
1990- 92 Camaro RTX Instruments RTX-90C-CAM-X |
1992- 96 Ford Pickup RTX Instruments RTX-92F-PU-X |
1965 Chevy Caprice/ Impala RTX Instruments RTX-65C-IMP-X |
1966 Chevy Caprice/Impala RTX Instruments RTX-66C-IMP-X |
1967 Chevy Caprice/Impala RTX Instruments RTX-67C-IMP-X |
1968 Chevy Caprice/Impala RTX Instruments RTX-68C-IMP-X |
1961-63 Lincoln RTX Instruments RTX-61L-X |
1965- 66 Cadillac RTX Instruments RTX-65C-CAD-X |
1959 Cadillac RTX Instruments RTX-59C-CAD-X |
1970- 72 Oldsmobile Cutlass 442 RTX Instruments RTX-70o-CUT-X |
1979- 86 Ford Mustang RTX Instruments RTX-79F-MUS-X |
1990- 93 Ford Mustang RTX Instruments RTX-90F-MUS-X |
1987- 89 Ford Mustang RTX Instruments RTX-87F-MUS-X |
1950- 51 Mercury RTX Instrument System RTX-50M-X |
1953- 57 Chevy Corvette RTX Instruments RTX-53C-VET-X |
1960 Cadillac RTX Instruments RTX-60C-CAD-X |
1942- 48 Ford Car RTX Instrument System RTX-42F-X |
1949- 50 Ford Car RTX Instrument System RTX-49F-X |
1949- 50 Chevy Car RTX Instruments RTX-49C-X |
1951 Ford Car RTX Instruments RTX-51F-X |
1958 Chevy Impala RTX Instruments RTX-58C-IMP-X |
1970- 81 Pontiac Firebird RTX Instruments RTX-70P-FIR-X |
1984- 87 Buick Regal and Grand National RTX Instruments RTX-84B-REG-X |
1932 Ford Car RTX Instruments RTX-32F-X |
1933- 34 Ford Car RTX Instruments RTX-33F-X |
1965- 66 Ford Mustang RTX Instruments RTX-65F-MUS-X |
1967- 68 Ford Mustang RTX Instruments RTX-67F-MUS-X |
1969- 70 Ford Mustang RTX Instruments RTX-69F-MUS-X |
1953- 55 Ford Pickup RTX Instruments RTX-53F-PU-X |
1956 Ford Pickup RTX Instruments RTX-56F-PU-X |
1961- 66 Ford Pickup RTX Instruments RTX-66F-BRO-X |
1966- 77 Ford Bronco RTX Instruments RTX-66F-BRO-X |
1967- 72 Ford Pickup RTX Instruments RTX-67F-PU-X |
1973- 79 Ford Pickup, 78- 79 Bronco RTX Instruments RTX-73F-PU-X |